The Wagner Coup: Unveiling Putin’s Embarrassing Resolution

The Wagner Coup, a failed attempt by Russian mercenaries to overthrow the government of Belarus, has been a significant blow to the reputation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The incident has raised questions about Putin’s control over his own security apparatus and his ability to project power abroad. The fact that the coup was orchestrated by a man known as “Putin’s cook” has added an element of farce to the whole affair. But does this really show Putin as a weak and impotent leader? Let’s delve deeper into the issue.

The Wagner Coup: A Brief Overview

The Wagner Group, a private military company linked to the Russian government, allegedly planned to overthrow the government of Belarus in 2020. The coup was reportedly orchestrated by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close ties to Putin, who is often referred to as “Putin’s cook”. However, the plot was foiled by the Belarusian security services, leading to the arrest of 33 Wagner mercenaries.

Putin’s Embarrassing Resolution

Following the failed coup, Putin was forced to negotiate for the release of the arrested mercenaries. This was seen as a major embarrassment for the Russian leader, who has often portrayed himself as a strongman who is not to be trifled with. The fact that he had to negotiate with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a man he has often treated with disdain, added insult to injury.

Does This Show Putin as Weak?

While the Wagner Coup was undoubtedly a setback for Putin, it would be an oversimplification to label him as weak or impotent. Putin has shown remarkable resilience in the face of numerous challenges during his time in power. He has managed to maintain a firm grip on power in Russia, despite economic difficulties and widespread protests. Moreover, he has successfully projected Russian power abroad, most notably in Syria and Ukraine.

The Role of “Putin’s Cook”

The involvement of Yevgeny Prigozhin in the Wagner Coup has added a layer of intrigue to the whole affair. Prigozhin is a controversial figure in Russia, known for his close ties to Putin and his involvement in various shady activities. His role in the coup has raised questions about the extent of Putin’s control over his own security apparatus. However, it is unclear whether Prigozhin acted on his own or with Putin’s tacit approval.


In conclusion, while the Wagner Coup was an embarrassing episode for Putin, it does not necessarily show him as a weak leader. Putin has proven time and again that he is a shrewd and resilient leader, capable of weathering political storms. However, the incident has exposed some cracks in his regime and raised questions about his control over his own security apparatus.